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Accident reduction of up to 20% with Connected Vehicle C-ITS Technology

- Technology ensures road worker safety in Queensland
- Kapsch TrafficCom participated at Connected Vehicle showcase
Brisbane, July 6, 2023 – Road work areas carry a higher accident risk compared to regular roads and highways, due to their varying locations and vehicles passing at high speeds. The increased use of Connected Vehicle technology can enhance the safety of road workers and drivers by streaming real-time warning messages directly to in-vehicle displays. This improves driver awareness and reduces reaction times.
It effectively addresses accidents resulting from limited visibility, such as adverse weather conditions or obstructed lines of sight due to traffic. Recent findings emphasise the potential of widespread adoption of Connected Vehicle technology, projecting a remarkable reduction of up to 20% in crash numbers. Such a significant decrease in accidents has the potential to save countless lives, particularly on Queensland roads.
To be ready for wider deployment of the technology on state road networks, Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) organised a C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) showcase in early May 2023 where multiple common roadworks scenarios that represent safety-critical Connected Vehicle use cases were demonstrated. Queensland's C-ITS deployment includes a production grade European compliant Security Credential Management System (SCMS) for message communications. Kapsch TrafficCom is proud to be one of the suppliers, showing three separate roadworks warnings that broadcast a variety of safety-relevant messages directly into vehicles.
Local “standalone” with Roadworks Ahead message
The configuration shown below provides information to display a “roadworks ahead” or “road works warning“ type message to the driver and would be considered the simplest roadworks operation.

Local “standalone” – roadwork equipment information
This configuration provides additional information to display such as speed limit, lane closure and other contextual signage information.

Traffic Management Centre operational configuration
The road operator programs static and planned (or ad hoc) roadworks in its Traffic Management System. The information contains all the elements that could be used to describe the work site.

Connected Vehicles at Kapsch TrafficCom
To discover more about Connected Vehicle features and benefits, and to find out how Kapsch TrafficCom helps realise the vision for improved safety and traffic management, visit our Website.
Kapsch TrafficCom is a globally renowned provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility with successful projects in more than 50 countries. Innovative solutions in the application fields of tolling, tolling services, traffic management and demand management contribute to a healthy world without congestion.
With one-stop-shop solutions, the company covers the entire value chain of customers, from components to design and implementation to the operation of systems.
Kapsch TrafficCom, headquartered in Vienna, has subsidiaries and branches in more than 25 countries and is listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: KTCG). In its 2022/23 financial year, about 4,000 employees generated revenues of EUR 553 million.