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on the share

First listing: 26 June 2007

Number of shares

Share capital
EUR 14,300,000

Type of shares
Ordinary no-par value bearer shares; each share entitles to one vote; no voting rights ceilings (apart from special cases stipulated by law)

Stock exchange listing
Vienna Stock Exchange Official Market – Prime Market Segment

Current price and statistics.

Shareholder structure.

63.3% of the shares in the company are owned by KAPSCH-Group Beteiligungs GmbH. Free float amounts to 36.7%.

Free float according to the Prime Market rules of the Vienna Stock Exchange shall be defined as all stocks (up to 25% of the stock capital) that are held by investment funds, pension funds or investment management companies as long as these do not have the features of a special fund or imply a long-term investment strategy (for strategic goals, to influence company policy or business activities).

Shareholder structure

Source: Shareholder survey from April 2024

Core shareholders.

KAPSCH-Group Beteiligungs GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DATAX HandelsgmbH, the shares of which are held (partly indirectly, partly directly) in equal proportions by Traditio-Privatstiftung and Children of Elisabeth-Privatstiftung, each a private trust under the Austrian Law for Private Trusts. Each of these private trusts is managed by its own Executive Board, with no one person serving on both boards. The beneficiaries of these private trusts are Georg Kapsch and members of his family (Traditio-Privatstiftung) as well as Elisabeth Kapsch and members of her family (Children of Elisabeth-Privatstiftung).

Free float. 

The free float of 36.7% is made up of institutional investors (16.7%), retail investors (18.2%) and others* (1.7%).

The institutional shareholder base is located in continental Europe (96.6%, of which Austria accounts for 54.7%) and North America (3.4%).

* Trading positions and unidentified shareholders.

Source: Shareholder survey from April 2024

Analysts maintaining visibility.

Renowned domestic and international investment banks regularly analyze the Kapsch TrafficCom share. This ensures its visibility within the financial community.

Currently, three analysts cover the company (in alphabetical order):

Bank / AnalystPhonePaid
Target priceRatingLatest
Erste Group
Daniel Lion
+43 (0) 50100-17420YesEUR 13.00
Winfried Becker
+49 (0) 69 920 389-14YesEUR 15.80
Raiffeisen Bank International
Teresa Schinwald
+43 (1) 51520-709NoEUR 15.00

Please note: Kapsch TrafficCom does not assume any liability for the content displayed on this page.

Sustainable dividend policy.*

At least one third of the profit for the period is to be distributed to shareholders each year. If this value amounts to less than EUR 1.00 per share, the company will consider a higher payout ratio to ensure the annual base dividend of EUR 1.00

Depending on economic development, the market environment and capital requirements for upcoming projects, the dividend payment may be higher or lower than the annual base dividend. However, within a reference period of three years, the company aims to pay out an average annual dividend which corresponds to at least the annual base dividend (EUR 1.00).

Kapsch TrafficCom thus pursues a sustainable dividend policy, which gives the company sufficient flexibility to quickly react to market developments.

* On October 2, 2020, the dividend policy was suspended until further notice. Kapsch TrafficCom aims to resume dividend payments as soon as it is economically justifiable and also permissible from the company’s perspective and ideally to return to the dividend policy.

Dividend payments.

YearDividend per shareEarnings per share
(in refernce year)
Payout ratio
2017EUR 1.50EUR 3.3544.7%
2018EUR 1.50EUR 2.2168.0%
2019EUR 1.50EUR 3.6840.8%
2020EUR 0.00EUR -3.70n/a
2021EUR 0.00EUR -7.91n/a
2022EUR 0.00EUR -0.72n/a
2023EUR 0.00EUR -1.91n/a
2024*EUR 0.00EUR 1.72n/a

* In accordance with the financing restructuring agreement, the Executive Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting 2024 that no dividend be distributed for the financial year 2023/24 and to carry forward the retained earnings to new account.

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