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Kapsch TrafficCom AG has a two-tier management and supervisory structure in accordance with the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, consisting of the executive board (Vorstand) and the supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat).

The executive board currently consists of two members:
Mag. Georg Kapsch (Chief Executive Officer) and Alfredo Escribá (Chief Technology Officer)

Georg Kapsch

Georg Kapsch

Alfredo Escribá

Alfredo Escribá

Management system

It is our declared objective in all company departments and business areas, in our services and product portfolio, as well as in the fulfillment of customer requirements to maintain high quality standards and to strive to continually improve and optimize our processes and our management system.

We are convinced that high-quality products and best service performance are achieved through a living and effective quality management system. Therefore, technical, organizational, and operational progress to improve quality is important to us. Satisfied customers are those whose requirements for our products and services we have fulfilled in the best possible way.

The processes at Kapsch TrafficCom are based on the quality management system ISO 9001. We follow an integrated management system and fulfill the specifications of the management systems for environment (ISO 14001), occupational health & safety management (ISO 45001), IT service management (ISO 20000-1), and information security (ISO 27001).

The principles on which our management system is based are defined in our company policy, which can be downloaded below.

Local certificates:

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South Africa:

Modern Slavery Act Statement on the prevention of Slavery and Human Trafficing at Kapsch TrafficCom Group:

Kapsch TrafficCom Supplier Code of Conduct

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