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23. February 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first three quarters of 2021/22.

„Even though results are significantly better than in the previous year, we are still nowhere near the level we were and need to be at. We are working intensively to implement new business areas in line with our Strategy 2027 and to better exploit the potential of our current core business. At the same time, the aim is to sustainably increase efficiency “, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Revenues 384.5 379.2 -1.4% EBIT -89.0 5.8 n.a.    EBIT margin -23.1% 1.5% +24.7   PP Result for the period attributable to equity holders -78.3 -2.5 +96.9 % Earnings per share (EUR) -6.03 -0.19 € +5.84 Vienna, February 23, 2022 – After three quarters in a persistently difficult market environment, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in achieving a positive operating result (EBIT) of EUR 6 million (previous year: EUR -89 million). Revenues of EUR 379 million were 1 % below the previous year's level. Earnings attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -2 million (previous year: EUR -78 million), corresponding to earnings per share of EUR -0.19 (previous year: EUR -6.03). The lower sales for the period were mainly due to the 20% decline in the implementation business. The operations business, on the other hand, increased by 12%, mainly due to projects in South Africa and Bulgaria. The components business continued to suffer from supply chain bottlenecks and declined by 2%. Kapsch TrafficCom achieved a significant reduction of its cost base through restructuring and cost saving measures. This related in particular to material, personnel and other operating expenses. Special effects burdened EBIT in the amount of EUR -16 million (previous year: EUR -90 million). The financial result amounted to EUR -4 million (previous year: EUR -10 million). Tax expenses amounted to EUR 1 million (previous year: tax income of EUR 19 million). The result for the period attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -2 million (previous year: EUR -78 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -0.19 (previous year: EUR -6.03). Free cash flow amounted to EUR 9 million in the first three quarters of 2021/22 (previous year: EUR 1 million). Therefore, net debt decreased to EUR -163 million since the last reporting date (March 31, 2021: EUR -170 million). The gearing increased slightly from 200% to 202%. The partial repayments of the promissory note bond and a bank loan from equity had a balance sheet-reducing effect in the first quarter. Total assets amounted to EUR 530 million as of December 31, 2021 (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The equity ratio increased from 14% to 15% in the first three quarters of 2021/22. Segment results for the first three quarters of 2021/22. 72% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 28% by the traffic management segment. 56% of revenues were generated in the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region, 40% in the Americas region (North, Central and South America) and 4% the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Tolling segment. Sales decreased by 2% to EUR 273 million. Declines in the implementation business of 23% and in the components business of 2% were not offset by 10% higher revenues in the operations business. The EMEA region made the largest contribution to revenues with EUR 148 million. In total, this region recorded growth of 2%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 6% to EUR 112 million. In the APAC region, revenues decreased by EUR 2 million to EUR 14 million. Results Tolling Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Revenues 279.6 273.1 -2.3 % EBIT -79.7 -0.6 +99.2 %    EBIT margin -28.5 % -0.2 % +28.3 PP EBIT was slightly negative at EUR -1 million (previous year: EUR -80 million). Segment Traffic Management. Revenues increased by 1% to EUR 106 million. This was due in particular to the operations business, which grew by 15%. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 64 million. In total, this region recorded an increase of 9%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 10% to EUR 39 million, and in the APAC region, they remained constant at EUR 3 million. Results Traffic Management Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1-Q3 2020/21 Q1-Q3 2021/22 +/- Umsatz 104.9 106.0 +1.1 % EBIT -9.3 6.5 n.a.    EBIT-Marge -8.9 % 6.1 % +15.0 PP EBIT was positive at EUR 7 million (previous year: EUR -9 million). The EBIT margin was 6% (previous year: ‑9%). Outlook. For the financial year 2021/22, management expects a year-on-year increase in revenues. However, the previously targeted +10% currently appears out of reach. As long as the market environment remains so challenging due to COVID and new business momentum does not increase, double-digit growth rates will be a challenge. Of course, the lower revenue expectation also affects profitability. However, Kapsch TrafficCom cannot further reduce the Group's cost base in the short term without the risk of not being able to take advantage of upcoming growth impulses due to a lack of resources. Thus, until revenues pick up again, the company is in a phase of low profitability. EBIT in financial year 2021/22 (including special items) is expected to be below the previously forecast 3% (but positive).   The report on the first three quarters of 2021/22 are scheduled to be available today, from 7:35 a.m. (CET), at:

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18. November 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first half of 2021/22

“I am glad to see that the restructuring measures are having an effect. However, the Group continues to feel the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. Therefore, the main focus in the second half of the year will be on maintaining cost discipline and acquiring new business. However, I am convinced that we have not only put the most difficult phase behind us, but also used it to make the Group leaner, more flexible, more agile, and better aligned to future opportunities,“ says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million H1 2020/21 H1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 25.5 255.2 -0.9 % EBIT -57.8 10.6 >100 %    EBIT margin -22.5 % 4.2 % 26.6 PP Result for the period attributable to equity holders -54.0 3.0 >100 % Earnings per share (EUR) -4.15 0.23 € +4.38 Vienna, November   18, 2021 – Kapsch TrafficCom generated a positive operating result (EBIT) of EUR 11 million in the first half of the current financial year, compared to a negative EBIT of EUR -58 million on approximately the same revenues in the first half of the previous financial year. In the first half of 2021/22, special effects amounting to EUR ‑4 million (previous year: EUR -59 million) had an impact on EBIT. Compared to the first half of the last financial year, the EBIT margin increased by around 27 percentage points to 4%. It was right and important to reduce the company's cost base significantly and sustainably, especially as the Group continues to clearly feel the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. New business momentum was persistently low, especially in the implementation business, due to a lack of sufficient market opportunities. The components business suffered from shortages of electronic components, which meant that existing demand could not be met as desired. In some markets, on the other hand, demand continued to be lower. The financial result amounted to EUR -3 million (previous year: EUR -8 million). Tax expenses amounted to EUR 2 million (previous year: tax income of EUR 11 million). The result for the period attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR 3 million (previous year: EUR -54 million), corresponding to earnings per share of EUR 0.23 (previous year: EUR -4.15). Free cash flow amounted to EUR -1 million in the first half of 2021/22 (previous year: EUR -30 million). Therefore, net debt increased slightly to EUR -174 million since the last reporting date (March 31, 2021: EUR -170 million). The gearing remained constant at 200%. The partial repayment of the promissory note bond and a bank loan totaling EUR 49 million from own funds had a balance sheet-reducing effect in the first quarter. Total assets amounted to EUR 553 million as of September 30, 2021 (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The equity ratio increased from 14% to 16% in the first half of 2021/22.   Segment results for the first half of 2021/22. 71% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 29% by the traffic management segment. 57% of revenues were generated in the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region, 39% in the Americas region (North, Central and South America) and 4% the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Tolling segment. Sales decreased by 5% to EUR 181 million. Declines in the implementation business of 42% and in the components business of 9% were not offset by 23% higher revenues in the operations business.  The EMEA region made the largest contribution to revenues with EUR 101 million. In total, this region recorded a growth of 7%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 16% to EUR 71 million. In the APAC region, revenues decreased by EUR 2 million to EUR 9 million. Tolling segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million H1 2020/21 H1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 190.6 181.0 -5.0 % EBIT -52.1 1.3 >100 %    EBIT margin -27.3 % 0.7 % 28.1 PP EBIT was positive at EUR 1 million (previous year: EUR -52 million). The EBIT margin was 1% (previous year: ‑27%).  Segment Traffic Management. Revenues increased by 11% to EUR 74 million. This was due in particular to the operations business, which grew by 21%.  The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 44 million. In total, this region recorded an increase of 24%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 3% to EUR 28 million. In the APAC region, revenues decreased by EUR 0.4 million to EUR 2 million.  Traffic Management segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million H1 2020/21 H1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 66.9 74.1 +10.8 % EBIT -5.7 9.3 >100 %    EBIT margin -8.6 % 12.6 % 21.1 PP EBIT was positive at EUR 9 million (previous year: EUR -6 million). The EBIT margin was 13% (previous year: ‑9%). Outlook. Management forecasts revenues to increase by approximately 10% to around EUR 550 million in financial year 2021/22. The company expects growth in North America as well as a continued recovery in the components business. This should compensate for the expiry of the operations projects in Poland at the end of the second quarter and in the third quarter. The EBIT margin is expected to be in the region of 3%. In addition to maintaining cost discipline, the main focus in the second half of the year will be on acquiring new business. Management expects the most important economies to further stabilize as COVID vaccination coverage rates increase. This is the basis for higher market momentum. It is not possible to say exactly when a significant recovery can be expected on a broad basis. Until then, however, the Group expects the market situation to improve. The report on the first half of 2021/22 as well as further materials on the results are scheduled to be available today, from 7:35 a.m. (CET), at:

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20. October 2021
COO André Laux to leave the Executive Board

The Supervisory Board of Kapsch TrafficCom AG has mutually agreed with André Laux, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company, on an early termination of his mandate as a member of the Executive Board, which runs until 2024. Georg Kapsch (CEO) takes over the sales agendas from Mr. Laux and will thus be responsible for all sales regions. Andreas Hämmerle (CFO) is additionally responsible for supply chain management including manufacturing. With immediate effect, the Executive Board of Kapsch TrafficCom consists of Georg Kapsch (CEO), Andreas Hämmerle (CFO), and Alfredo Escribá (CTO).

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11. August 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter 2021/22.

Headlines. „Following a difficult phase, we have managed to ring in a visible turnaround. Looking back on the last two years, I am convinced that the main restructuring measures are already behind us and that we will finish the 2021/22 financial year with a profit again“, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2020/21 Q1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 138.5 126.8 -8.4% EBIT -11.3 6.6 > 100%    EBIT margin -8.2% 5.2% 13.4%p Result for the period attributable to equity holders -10.0 3.2 > 100% Earnings per share (EUR) -0.77 0.24 > 100% Vienna, August 11, 2021 – Even though revenues of EUR 127 million were relatively low, we were able to conclude the first quarter with a profit. Operating result (earnings before interest and taxes, EBIT) achieved EUR 7 million (previous year: EUR ‑11 million), while the earnings attributable to the shareholders were EUR 3 million (previous year: EUR ‑10 million). This corresponds to earnings per share of EUR 0.24 (previous year: EUR ‑0.77). The financial result was EUR -2 million (Previous year: EUR -1 million). More than half of this was the result of unrealized foreign exchange losses. As arranged, partial repayments of the promissory note bond and a bank loan in the total amount of EUR 49 million were made in June. Since the company had managed to increase the cash reserves in the months prior, these repayments were made using own funds. This effect of this asset/liability exchange was to reduce the balance sheet. On June 30, 2021, the balance sheet total was EUR 552 million (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The positive quarterly result and the lower balance sheet total made the equity ratio increase to 16% (March 31, 2021: 14%). The reduction in trade payables was the main reason for the negative free cash flow of EUR -11 million in the first quarter (previous year: EUR -27 million). Consequently, the net debt went up to EUR 181 million (March 31, 2021: EUR 170 million). As of June 30, Kapsch TrafficCom employed 4,538 people (March 31, 2021: 4,657). Segment results. In Q1 2021/22, the Tolling segment contributed 71% to the total revenues, and the Traffic Management segment 29%. 56% of revenues were generated in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region, 40% in the Americas region (North, Central, and South America), and 5% in the Asia-Pacific region. Tolling segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2020/21 Q1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 106.0 89.6 -15.4% EBIT -8.9 3.1 > 100%    EBIT margin -8.4% 3.5% 11.9%p In Q1 2021/22, revenues in the Tolling segment amounted to EUR 90 million (-15%). EBIT reached EUR 3 million (previous year: EUR ‑9 million). EBIT margin was at 4% (previous year: -8%). Kapsch TrafficCom sold 2.0 million on-board units in the first quarter 2021/22 (previous year: 2.9 million). Traffic Management segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2020/21 Q1 2021/22 +/- Revenues 32.5 37.2 14.4% EBIT -2.5 3.4 > 100%    EBIT margin -7.6% 9.2% 16.8%p In Q1 2021/22, revenues in the Traffic Management segment amounted to EUR 37 million (+14%). EBIT was at EUR 3 million and thus better than the figure of the previous year (EUR ‑2 million). The highlights report of the first quarter 2020/21 as well as further materials will be available at from today, not before 7:35 a.m. (CEST).

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12. July 2021
Kapsch Group to restructure.

Vienna, July 12, 2021 – The global technology company Kapsch Group is set to restructure: Kapsch Group is being repositioned for the next generation of the entrepreneurial family. Kapsch Group can look back on a history of almost 130 years. Since its founding, Kapsch is always a family-run company – currently in its fourth generation. Its success is based primarily on the personal commitment of the entrepreneurial family, the resulting corporate culture and the fact that the Group has continuously developed and reinvented itself over all these years. With an eye on the next generation of the Kapsch family and to be able to ensure later a smooth transition to the next generation in due course, it is planned to restructure the Group. Kapsch Group will now focus on the companies Kapsch Aktiengesellschaft and Kapsch TrafficCom. Kapsch Group will be assigned to the sphere of influence of Elisabeth Kapsch and Georg Kapsch and will remain under the leadership of Georg Kapsch as CEO as before. The direct shareholdings of KAPSCH-Group Beteiligungs GmbH in Kapsch TrafficCom AG and the management thereof by Georg Kapsch will not change as a result. Kapsch BusinessCom will leave Kapsch Group together with Kari Kapsch. Kari Kapsch will remain chairman of the supervisory board of Kapsch BusinessCom and the management board will also remain unchanged with Franz Semmernegg and Jochen Borenich. It is planned that Invest Unternehmensbeteiligungs Aktiengesellschaft will join Kapsch BusinessCom as a new partner to support the further expansion of Kapsch BusinessCom. The reorganization of Kapsch Group has recently been initiated. As things progress, regulatory approvals will still be required and completion is expected in a few months. The restructuring process will have no impact on the employees and customers of Kapsch TrafficCom, Kapsch Aktiengesellschaft and Kapsch BusinessCom.

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16. June 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for financial year 2020/21.

“2020/21 was a very difficult year, and not only due to the COVID-19 situation. We had to restructure the company to be sustainably profitable again in the future. After two negative years, the 2021/22 financial year should be a period of stabilization and solidification,” says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom.  (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2019/20 2020/21 +/- Revenues 731.2 505.2 -30.9% EBIT -39.2 -123.2 -214.4%    EBIT margin -5.4% -24.4% -19%p Result for the period attributable to equity holders -48.1 -102.9 -113.7% Earnings per share (EUR) -3.70 -7.91 -113.7% Vienna, June 16, 2021 – In financial year 2020/21, revenues of Kapsch TrafficCom decreased to EUR 505 million, which was 31% (EUR 226 million) lower than the previous year’s figure. The slightly more than 30% decline in revenues was evenly spread across all the regions. Consolidated revenues are broken down geographically as follows: The operating result (EBIT) was negative at EUR 123.2 million (previous year: EUR -39.2 million). The following effects were the main drivers of this: The financial result amounted to EUR -10 million and was EUR 14 million better than in the previous year. Foreign currency losses fell by EUR 7 million to EUR -2.0 million. Previous year’s value included the write-down of a financial asset, which has been sold in the meantime. Income taxes amounted to EUR +28 million (previous year: EUR +8 million). The result for the period was very negative at EUR -105 million (previous year: EUR -56 million). A result for the period of EUR -103 million was attributable to the equity holders of the company. This corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -7.91 (previous year: EUR -3.70). Net debt reached EUR 170 million (March 31, 2020: EUR 176 million), which equates to a gearing of 200% (March 31, 2020: 96%). The net debt was similar to the previous year. Since equity fell significantly, however, the gearing increased substantially. The reduction of the net working capital to EUR 110 million (March 31, 2020: EUR 168 million) was the basis for the positive free cash flow of EUR 4 million.. The Executive Board, as already discussed, will not propose a dividend payout for the loss year of 2020/21 at the Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2021. A distribution also appears unlikely for the following financial year. Segment results. In financial year 2020/21, the Tolling segment contributed 71% to total revenues, the Traffic Management segment 29%.  Segment Tolling. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2019/20 2020/21 +/- Revenues 563.5 358.2 -36.4% EBIT 1.5 -117.2 > -100%    EBIT margin 0.3% -32.7% -33%p The implementation business in particular suffered from the COVID-19 situation, collapsing by 54%. The components business lost approximately 35%, while the operating business “only” lost 20%. The operating result totaled EUR -117 million (previous year: EUR 1 million). The main reasons consisted of the margin adjustment and the creation of provisions for onerous contracts. Im financial year 2020/21, 9.9 million on-board units were sold, a decline of 3.3 million relative to the previous year.  Segment Traffic Management. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2019/20 2020/21 +/- Revenues 167.7 147.0 -12.4% EBIT -40.7 -6.0 85.4%    EBIT margin -24.2% -4.1% 20.2%p In financial year 2020/21 revenues in the Traffic Management segment reached EUR 147 Mio. (-12%). While revenues in the EMEA region remained at the previous year’s level, they fell by 21% in the Americas region and by 57% in the APAC region. The EBIT in the financial year was EUR ‑6 million and therefore substantially better than in the previous year (EUR -41 million). Outlook. After two negative years with extensive restructuring, financial year 2021/22 should be a period of stabilization and solidification until a dynamic course of growth is pursued again. A decent growth in revenues should be assumed despite the ongoing low visibility in regards to new business. The implemented measures to reduce the cost basis should show success and make the EBIT positive again. In this context, follow-up effects and additional expenses in connection with the restructuring must be expected in particular in Q1 2021/22. For the full year, management expects an EBIT margin in the lower single-digit percentage range. The Executive Board, as already discussed, will not propose a dividend payout for the loss year of 2020/21 at the AGM 2021. A distribution also appears unlikely for the following financial year due to the planned investments in the context of the implementation of the Strategy 2027. In order to protect the company’s capital base against unanticipated developments, the Executive Board of the forthcoming AGM will propose that authorization for a capital increase be granted. This anticipatory resolution for a capital increase should make it possible to raise the share capital by up to 1.3 million shares, which equates to 10%. Various reports on the financial year 2020/21 as well as further materials will be available at from today at 7:35 am (CEST).

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27. May 2021
Hämmerle will join Executive Board on July 1, 2021

Management Changes/Personnel Andreas Hämmerle will join the Executive Board of Kapsch TrafficCom as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with effect from July 1, 2021. He currently holds the position of Executive Vice President Finance at the company. Commenting on the appointment, Georg Kapsch, Chief Executive Officer of Kapsch TrafficCom says: “I would like to congratulate Andreas Hämmerle and welcome him as a new colleague in the Executive Board. He is an experienced executive leader who had an important role in navigating Kapsch TrafficCom through a transformation phase and who strongly contributed to achieving substantial improvements of our financial situation. I am confident that with his extensive experience and knowledge specifically in finance the company is well prepared for the future.“ Andreas Hämmerle: ”I feel honored and excited to take up my new role as Chief Financial Officer at Kapsch TrafficCom. I am looking forward to working together with a great team and I am confident that we will successfully write the next chapter of the company’s development.”   Hämmerle held various management and executive board positions before working for Kapsch TrafficCom. He has long-standing international experience in the branded products industry as well as the service and retail sectors. The main focus of his work has been on corporate development, change management, mergers & acquisition, restructuring, compliance and controlling in change situations.

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16. April 2021
Preliminary results for financial year 2020/21.

10:47 CEST The financial year 2020/21 of Kapsch TrafficCom ended on March 31, 2021. Based on preliminary figures, the company expects revenues of about EUR 500 million. The operating result (EBIT) including negative special effects will be a loss of about EUR 124 million. The most relevant negative special effects account for an EBIT impact of about EUR 139 million and include: Despite the significantly negative result, the equity ratio still amounts to about 14%. As of March 31, 2021, Kapsch TrafficCom held liquid funds in excess of EUR 100 million.

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23. October 2020
Impairments and adjustments of project margins weigh on earnings.

15:20 CEST The main result is a EUR 21 million impairment of goodwill. In addition, for some projects in particular in North America, the project margin had to be adjusted and provisions for impending losses had to be made in the first half of the financial year. This had a negative impact on the operating result (EBIT) in the amount of EUR 32 million. In addition, negative currency effects reduced the EBIT by EUR 6 million. As a result of these effects, revenues will amount to about EUR 258 million and EBIT to about EUR -58 million in the first half of the 2020/21 financial year. Consequently, the company currently expects a negative EBIT in the higher two-digit area as well as a year-on-year fall of revenues of about 25% for financial year 2020/21.

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