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22. February 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first three quarters of 2022/23

Kapsch TrafficCom was able to increase revenues by 9% from EUR 379 million to EUR 414 million in the first three quarters of FY 2022/23.

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17. January 2023
Kapsch TrafficCom closes sale of public transport business in Spain

The sale of the group company "Arce Mobility Solutions", to the technology company Kontron, which was agreed upon with Kapsch TrafficCom, has now been closed.

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16. November 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first half of 2022/23.

Kapsch TrafficCom was able to slightly increase revenues in the first half of the financial year 2022/23 in an unchanged very challenging environment.

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4. November 2022
Change of Compliance Officer at KapschTrafficCom

As of October 17, 2022, Dominik Fluch has taken over the function of Compliance Officer at Kapsch TrafficCom. Dominik Fluch has spent the last four years as Compliance Officer at STRABAG SE, where he was involved in setting up a new Business Compliance Management System. He has in-depth knowledge of the prevention, detection and processing of compliance violations. Dominik Fluch's focus at KapschTrafficCom will be on capital market compliance as well as on the areas of anti-corruption, money laundering prevention and antitrust law. He will also manage the implementation of a whistleblowing system in accordance with the requirements of the EU Whistleblowing Directive. Previously, Hans Lang was Compliance Officer as well as Investor Relations Officer of Kapsch TrafficCom AG for six years. After his departure, two independent positions were filled with Marcus Handl as Investor Relations Officer and now Dominik Fluch as Compliance Officer.

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8. September 2022
Change in Investor Relations at Kapsch TrafficCom

Vienna, September 8, 2022 – Hans Lang, Investor Relations Officer of Kapsch TrafficCom   AG for six years, is leaving the company at his own request in order to devote himself to new tasks. As of September   12, 2022, Marcus Handl will take over the function of Investor Relations Officer. Marcus Handl has been working for the Kapsch Group since 2000. He already accompanied the IPO in 2007 and held the IR agendas of Kapsch TrafficCom AG until 2016, before he took over the responsibility for the then new subsidiary Kapsch TrafficCom Transportation in Spain for four years. Since his return to Austria, he has been responsible for Kapsch TrafficCom's Corporate Development. Now he again assumes the position of Investor Relations Officer. The Executive Board would like to thank Hans Lang for his commitment and for the further development of Kapsch TrafficCom's capital market communications over the past years. The Investor Relations Officer of Kapsch TrafficCom AG reports directly to CEO Georg Kapsch.

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7. September 2022
Summary of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Vienna, September   7, 2022. Today’s Annual General Meeting of Kapsch TrafficCom   AG passed the following resolutions: Further information on the AGM is here:

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17. August 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter of 2022/23

Highlights “The economic environment remained very challenging in the first quarter. Nevertheless, we managed to increase revenues by 3% to EUR 130 million compared to the first quarter of the previous year. Despite also increasing costs, we were able to close the quarter with a positive EBIT. For the rest of the financial year, we will continue to focus on the acquisition of new business on the one hand and on cost management on the other”, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2021/22 Q1 2022/23 +/- Revenues 126.8 130.5 +2.9% EBIT 6.6 0.5 -92.1%    EBIT margin 5.2% 0.4% -4.8pp Result for the period attributable to equity holders 3.2 -1.3 n.a. Earnings per share (EUR) 0.24 -0.10 € -0.34 Vienna, August 17, 2022 – Kapsch TrafficCom managed to increase revenues by 3% to EUR 130 million compared to the previous year. Higher operating costs, partly due to inflation, led to a decrease in the operating result (EBIT) to EUR 1 million (previous year: EUR 7 million). A favorable development of exchange rates, above all of the US dollar against the euro, led to an almost balanced financial result (previous year: EUR -2 million). As the result before taxes reached a black zero, hardly any income taxes were incurred. Nevertheless, they resulted in Kapsch TrafficCom reporting a red zero as the result for the period in the first quarter 2022/23 (previous year: EUR 3 million). The result for the period attributable to equity holders amounted to EUR -1 million (previous year: EUR 3 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -0.10 (previous year: EUR 0.24). It is a recurring seasonal trend that in the first quarter of the financial year the change in working capital leads to a negative free cash flow. In the first quarter of 2022/23, it amounted to EUR ‑22 million (previous year: EUR ‑11 million). As a consequence, net debt increased to EUR 184 million (March 31, 2022: EUR 158 million) and the equity ratio decreased to 14%. Total assets amounted to EUR 497 million as of June 30, 2022 (March 31, 2022: EUR 512 million). Segment results for the first quarters of 2022/23 73% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 27% by the traffic management segment. The Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region accounted for 48% of revenues, the Americas region (North, Central and South America) for 46% and the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region for 6%. Tolling segment Revenues increased by 7% to EUR 96 million, driven by higher revenues in the implementation and components businesses. The operations business declined slightly. The Americas region made the largest contribution to revenues with 48%. EMEA generated 46% of tolling revenues and APAC around 6%.  Tolling segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2021/22 Q1 2022/23 +/- Revenues 89.6 95.9 +7.0% EBIT 3.1 -1.6 n.a.    EBIT margin 3.5% -1.7% -5.2pp EBIT was EUR -2 million (previous year: EUR 3 million) and the EBIT margin was -2% (previous year: 4%). Segment Traffic Management Revenues decreased by 7% to EUR 35 million, mainly due to a decline in the implementation business. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with 54%. Americas generated 42% of traffic management revenues and APAC 4%. Traffic Management segment. Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million Q1 2021/22 Q1 2022/23 +/- Revenues 37.2 34.6 -6.9% EBIT 3.4 2.2 -36.9%    EBIT margin 9.3% 6.3% -3.0pp EBIT was positive at EUR 2 million (previous year: EUR 3 million) and the EBIT margin was 6% (previous year: 9%).   The “Highlight Report” on the first quarter of 2022/23 as well as additional earnings materials are scheduled to be available today, from 7:35 a.m. (CEST), at:

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15. June 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for financial year 2021/22

Headlines “I am pleased that we have managed the operative turnaround. In a challenging environment, both segments grew and we grew in all regions. In the new financial year, we want to further improve profitability”, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 505.2 519.8 +2.9% EBIT -123.2 11.0 n.a.    EBIT margin -24.4% 2.1% +26.5pp Result for the period attributable to equity holders -102.9 -9.3 +91% Earnings per share (EUR) -7.91 -0.72 € +7.19 Vienna, June   15, 2022  – The financial year 2021/22 has essentially delivered what Kapsch TrafficCom had predicted in the outlook of the consolidated financial statements of the previous financial year: Revenues showed slight growth and EBIT was positive again. After a difficult phase, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in achieving a visible turnaround as from the first quarter. This was accomplished despite a restrained revenue development, which was primarily due to two reasons. On the one hand, the main focus in North America continued to be on stabilizing the organization following extensive restructuring measures. Secondly, the Group continued to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of February 24, 2022, the attention of the world public was focused on the fighting in Ukraine. Kapsch TrafficCom has no customers in this country. As a result of the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Russia, Kapsch TrafficCom did not accept any new orders from this country. Revenues in Russia have always been below 1% of Group revenues in recent years. The sanctions against Belarus affected Kapsch TrafficCom only to a minor extent. In this environment, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in increasing revenues to EUR 520 million (+3%) in financial year 2021/22. The tolling and traffic management segments grew by 3% and 2%, respectively. Positive growth rates were also recorded across the board from a regional perspective: Revenues in the Europe, Middle East, Africa (“EMEA”) region increased by 2%, those in North, Central and South America (“Americas”) by 3% and revenues in Asia Pacific (“APAC”)  by 11%. The result from operating activities (EBIT) was positive at EUR 11 million (previous year: EUR -123 million). The turnaround was achieved, although special effects in the amount of EUR -32 million (previous year: EUR -132 million) burdened EBIT. The financial result amounted to EUR -5 million (previous year: EUR -10 million). Tax expenses amounted to EUR 12 million (previous year: tax income of EUR 28 million). The reason for the relatively high tax expense is that individual Group companies were not able to claim their negative results for the period as deferred tax assets (from loss carryforwards). The result for the period attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -9 million (previous year: EUR -103 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -0.72 (previous year: EUR -7.91). Free cash flow amounted to EUR 17 million in in financial year 2021/22 (previous year: EUR 4 million). Therefore, net debt decreased to EUR 158 million since the last balance sheet date (March 31, 2021: EUR 170 million). The gearing remained constant at 203%. Total assets amounted to EUR 512 million as of March 31, 2022 (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The equity ratio increased from 14% to 15%. Segment results for financial year 2021/22 71% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 29% by the traffic management segment. 54% of Group revenues were generated in the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region, 41% in the Americas region (North, Central and South America) and 5% the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.   Tolling segment Revenues increased by 3% to EUR 370 million. Declines in the implementation business of 11% were offset by 9% higher operations revenues and 7% higher component revenues. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 192 million. In the Americas region, revenues increased by 7% to EUR 158 million. In the APAC region, revenues remained at around EUR 20 million. Segment Tolling. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 358.2 369.9 +3.2% EBIT -117.2 3.3 n.a.    EBIT margin -32.7% 0.9% +33.6pp EBIT was positive at EUR 3 million (previous year: EUR -117 million). The EBIT margin was 1% (previous year: -33%).   Segment Traffic Management Revenues increased by 2% to EUR 150 million, driven in particular by the operations business, which grew by 11%. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 90 million, which corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 4%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 5% to EUR 54 million. In the APAC region, sales increased by EUR 3 million to EUR 6 million. Segment Traffic Management. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 147.0 149.9 +2.0% EBIT -6.0 7.7 n.a.    EBIT margin -4.1% 5.1% +9.2pp EBIT was positive at EUR 8 million (previous year: EUR -6 million). The EBIT margin reached 5% (previous year: -4%). Outlook Management expects a clear improvement in profitability at a stable revenue level for the financial year 2022/23. In order to achieve these goals, the focus will remain on new business acquisition and cost discipline.   The report on financial year 2021/22 as well as further material on the results will be available today, probably from 7:35 a.m. (CEST), at:

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25. March 2022
Arbitral tribunal affirms the claim for compensation of the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom and CTS EVENTIM against the Federal Republic of Germany

Vienna, March 25, 2022 – According to the decision of the competent arbitral tribunal, autoTicket   GmbH is entitled to damages and reimbursement of expenses against the Federal Republic of Germany. This is apparent from the interim arbitral award delivered to the contractor parties today. Following the termination of the operating agreement for the collection of the infrastructure charge ("passenger car toll") in Germany, autoTicket GmbH, the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS Eventim AG Co. KGaA, has asserted claims for compensation in the amount of approximately EUR 560 million against the Federal Republic of Germany. The arbitral tribunal confirmed that the claims asserted by autoTicket GmbH in the arbitration proceedings for compensation of the gross enterprise value and for reimbursement of the costs incurred in the execution of the operating agreement exist on the merits. Accordingly, the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, was not allowed to unilaterally withdraw from the contract without compensation. The arbitral award also rejected poor performance, as alleged by the Federal Republic of Germany, as a reason for termination. The first phase of the two-stage arbitral proceedings has thus been concluded. In the second phase of the arbitral proceedings that now follows, a decision is made on the amount of the claim.

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