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Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

Here you will find our current press photos and photos of the executive board in print quality as well as further download material and videos.

18. June 2019
Results for the fiscal year of 2018/19.

Kapsch TrafficCom has published its final earnings for the fiscal year 2018/19, which hardly deviate from the preliminary revenues and operating result (EBIT).

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13. June 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom equips state-of-the-art motorway Olympia Odos with hybrid tolling system.

Kapsch TrafficCom verstärkt ihr Mautmanagement in Europa und stattet die hochmoderne griechische Autobahn Olympia Odos mit 30 Hybrid-Rabattstationen aus.

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27. May 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom implements intelligent mobility management solution in Valladolid.

The city of Valladolid (Spain) has taken the first steps towards becoming a smart city via an integrated traffic control system.

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17. May 2019
Operating result (EBIT) for the fiscal year 2018/19 likely to exceed expectations.

According to Kapsch TrafficCom’s latest outlook for the fiscal year 2018/19, EBIT was expected to reach previous year’s level and revenues were expected to increase. In the meantime, unaudited results are available. Based on these results, the management expects an EBIT of about EUR 57 million (i.e. about 14% above previous year’s EUR 50.1 million). Revenues are expected to reach about EUR 738 million (previous year: EUR 693.3 million). Kapsch TrafficCom will announce the final results for the fiscal year 2018/19 on June 18, 2019.

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2. May 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom installs traffic control system in Avilés (Spain).

Kapsch TrafficCom hat von der Stadtverwaltung der Stadt Avilés den Auftrag zur Modernisierung des lokalen Verkehrsleitsystems erhalten.

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30. April 2019
Federal Circuit Court Upholds ITC Ruling in Favor of KapschTrafficCom.

Kapsch TrafficCom gibt ein wichtiges Gerichtsurteil bekannt, das in den Vereinigten Staaten im Rechtsstreit mit dem Unternehmen Neology, Inc. gefällt wurde.

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Volker Schneble und Dr. Michael Blum
25. April 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom – Dr Michael Blum and Volker Schneble named Managing Directors of the operating company to collect German infrastructure charge.

Dr. Michael Blum und Volker Schneble bilden die Geschäftsführung der Betreibergesellschaft zur Erhebung der deutschen Infrastrukturabgabe („Pkw-Maut“).

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9. April 2019
Changes in the Executive Board of Kapsch TrafficCom AG.

Kapsch TrafficCom informiert, dass Herr Dr. Alexander Lewald, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), das Unternehmen Ende April 2019 einvernehmlich verlassen wird.

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9. April 2019
Kapsch TrafficCom secures new contract in Dominican Republic

Kapsch TrafficCom und sein Partner EVOCON erhielten bei einer Ausschreibung den Zuschlag für die Lieferung der Komplettlösung für urbanes Mobilitätsmanagement.

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