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Carolin Treichl
Carolin Treichl

Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Sandra Bijelic
Sandra Bijelic

Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Press Material

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15. June 2022
Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for financial year 2021/22

Headlines “I am pleased that we have managed the operative turnaround. In a challenging environment, both segments grew and we grew in all regions. In the new financial year, we want to further improve profitability”, says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 505.2 519.8 +2.9% EBIT -123.2 11.0 n.a.    EBIT margin -24.4% 2.1% +26.5pp Result for the period attributable to equity holders -102.9 -9.3 +91% Earnings per share (EUR) -7.91 -0.72 € +7.19 Vienna, June   15, 2022  – The financial year 2021/22 has essentially delivered what Kapsch TrafficCom had predicted in the outlook of the consolidated financial statements of the previous financial year: Revenues showed slight growth and EBIT was positive again. After a difficult phase, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in achieving a visible turnaround as from the first quarter. This was accomplished despite a restrained revenue development, which was primarily due to two reasons. On the one hand, the main focus in North America continued to be on stabilizing the organization following extensive restructuring measures. Secondly, the Group continued to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of February 24, 2022, the attention of the world public was focused on the fighting in Ukraine. Kapsch TrafficCom has no customers in this country. As a result of the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Russia, Kapsch TrafficCom did not accept any new orders from this country. Revenues in Russia have always been below 1% of Group revenues in recent years. The sanctions against Belarus affected Kapsch TrafficCom only to a minor extent. In this environment, Kapsch TrafficCom succeeded in increasing revenues to EUR 520 million (+3%) in financial year 2021/22. The tolling and traffic management segments grew by 3% and 2%, respectively. Positive growth rates were also recorded across the board from a regional perspective: Revenues in the Europe, Middle East, Africa (“EMEA”) region increased by 2%, those in North, Central and South America (“Americas”) by 3% and revenues in Asia Pacific (“APAC”)  by 11%. The result from operating activities (EBIT) was positive at EUR 11 million (previous year: EUR -123 million). The turnaround was achieved, although special effects in the amount of EUR -32 million (previous year: EUR -132 million) burdened EBIT. The financial result amounted to EUR -5 million (previous year: EUR -10 million). Tax expenses amounted to EUR 12 million (previous year: tax income of EUR 28 million). The reason for the relatively high tax expense is that individual Group companies were not able to claim their negative results for the period as deferred tax assets (from loss carryforwards). The result for the period attributable to shareholders amounted to EUR -9 million (previous year: EUR -103 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of EUR -0.72 (previous year: EUR -7.91). Free cash flow amounted to EUR 17 million in in financial year 2021/22 (previous year: EUR 4 million). Therefore, net debt decreased to EUR 158 million since the last balance sheet date (March 31, 2021: EUR 170 million). The gearing remained constant at 203%. Total assets amounted to EUR 512 million as of March 31, 2022 (March 31, 2021: EUR 593 million). The equity ratio increased from 14% to 15%. Segment results for financial year 2021/22 71% of revenues were generated by the tolling segment and 29% by the traffic management segment. 54% of Group revenues were generated in the Europe-Middle East-Africa (EMEA) region, 41% in the Americas region (North, Central and South America) and 5% the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.   Tolling segment Revenues increased by 3% to EUR 370 million. Declines in the implementation business of 11% were offset by 9% higher operations revenues and 7% higher component revenues. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 192 million. In the Americas region, revenues increased by 7% to EUR 158 million. In the APAC region, revenues remained at around EUR 20 million. Segment Tolling. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 358.2 369.9 +3.2% EBIT -117.2 3.3 n.a.    EBIT margin -32.7% 0.9% +33.6pp EBIT was positive at EUR 3 million (previous year: EUR -117 million). The EBIT margin was 1% (previous year: -33%).   Segment Traffic Management Revenues increased by 2% to EUR 150 million, driven in particular by the operations business, which grew by 11%. The largest contribution to revenues was made by the EMEA region with EUR 90 million, which corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 4%. In the Americas region, revenues declined by 5% to EUR 54 million. In the APAC region, sales increased by EUR 3 million to EUR 6 million. Segment Traffic Management. (Unless otherwise stated, all values in EUR million) 2020/21 2021/22 +/- Revenues 147.0 149.9 +2.0% EBIT -6.0 7.7 n.a.    EBIT margin -4.1% 5.1% +9.2pp EBIT was positive at EUR 8 million (previous year: EUR -6 million). The EBIT margin reached 5% (previous year: -4%). Outlook Management expects a clear improvement in profitability at a stable revenue level for the financial year 2022/23. In order to achieve these goals, the focus will remain on new business acquisition and cost discipline.   The report on financial year 2021/22 as well as further material on the results will be available today, probably from 7:35 a.m. (CEST), at:

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Traffex 2022 linked-in-post-event Infographic-1116x627
9. June 2022
How Road User Charging could help London fight congestion and boost long-term transport funding

In a bid to control traffic congestion and minimise associated air pollution, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has announced plans to expand Ultra Low Emissions Zone

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6. June 2022
100 Millionth Toll Payment Transponder Rolling Off Mississauga Plant in Ontario

On June 6th, the Kapsch TrafficCom manufacturing facility in Mississauga, celebrated its 100th million transponder unit rolling off production lines.

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20. May 2022
Open letter to the participants at the World Economic Forum 2022 in Davos

Munich, 18 May 2022 – Climate change is one of the crucial challenges of our time and also on top of the agenda at World Economic Forum 2022. Causing 20% of global emissions mobility is a crucial lever to master the climate crisis. With this open letter, the global leaders in intelligent traffic systems call the world‘s economic leaders to acknowledge mobility as a crucial driver for climate change and put the development and implementation of solutions to reduce traffic emissions on top of the agenda.

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OekoBusiness Wien Ausgezeichnet 2022
19. May 2022
Environmental award from the City of Vienna for Kapsch TrafficCom and Kapsch Components

Vienna, May 19, 2022 – The City of Vienna has once again honored Kapsch TrafficCom (KTC) as an ”OekoBusiness” company. The subsidiary Kapsch Components (KCO) is pleased to receive this award for the tenth time in a row this year. Once again, numerous energy and resource saving potentials were identified and suitable measures implemented in production and logistics. Kapsch TrafficCom, as a globally active provider of intelligent traffic solutions, took part in the City of Vienna's ÖKOWIN environmental consulting program with its operations on the Wienerberg. The goal is to improve the ecological footprint at the Vienna operating location. "Through the City of Vienna's program, we were once again able to realize significant potential for emission savings. Thus, our products, services and also the company itself make a considerable contribution to climate and environmental protection," says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. The environmental teams of KTC and KCO presented the results of the ÖKOWIN program in the form of a report and a presentation to the expert commission. The jury was particularly impressed by the measures in the area of circular economy. For example, 90% of the millions of digital toll collection devices sold (OBU4010) can now be reused. These and other jointly implemented innovations led to the OekoBusiness advisory board awarding Kapsch TrafficCom and Kapsch Components the title “OekoBusiness Wien 2021” from the City of Vienna for their commitment to sustainable business practices. The OekoBusiness certificate is valid for a period of one year. Further information on the topic of sustainability at Kapsch TrafficCom can be found here .

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KTC Vinus entrada-a-tunel-1062x597
28. April 2022
New Colombia Traffic Management System Strengthens Regional Economy

Vienna/Bogotá, April 28, 2022 – Within just a few months the highways and tunnels of the Vias del Nus concession have registered over 300,000 vehicles – all without any notable incidents. Stretching over 157 kilometers, the Vias del Nus highway network connects Colombia’s second largest city Medellin and its 2.5 million inhabitants with the eastern parts of the Antioquia region. The intelligent transportation system used by the concession provides safety and improved mobility for road users. This also helps the tourism, agricultural and transportation sectors of the surrounding municipalities, as the roadway connects the region to more populated areas of the country. “From December 4 to date, the operation has been impeccable. More than 300,000 vehicles have passed through and there have been no incidents, with the exception of a couple of stranded vehicles that have been attended to immediately, so we are very satisfied,” says Ricardo López Lombana, General Manager of Vinus. It is estimated that vehicle circulation through the concession’s La Quiebra tunnels has increased by 60% since the system was implemented, positively impacting the region’s economy. “Tourist traffic to previously difficult-to-reach municipalities has skyrocketed. What used to be a three-hour drive from Medellin can now be reached within 40 to 50 minutes, increasing competitivity and attracting new investors to the region,” continues the Vinus manager. Olga Villegas, Vice President of Kapsch TrafficCom for Colombia and the entire Andean Region, adds: “We at Kapsch TrafficCom are proud to provide reliable and safe technological solutions in such a strategic project that improves the country's transportation network. Our DYNAC ATMS® solution guarantees the high level of security required by this important road corridor that is frequented by thousands of vehicles every day.” The La Quiebra tunnels, 4.3 kilometers each, are the first tunnels in Latin America to be equipped with the high performance software suite DYNAC ATMS®, developed and implemented by Kapsch TrafficCom. DYNAC ATMS® integrates three systems that are usually found separately: a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system for control of electromechanical elements, an incident management system and a system for ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System) management. In its modern control center, the system manages and monitors traffic, responding to any incident quickly and efficiently to prevent congestion.

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21. April 2022
Safer and more convenient traffic flow in Basque region Bizkaia through barrier-free toll system by Kapsch TrafficCom

Vienna/Madrid, April   21, 2022  – Kapsch TrafficCom will implement a toll system for heavy vehicles on multiple high-capacity roads in the Basque region of Bizkaia. The system allows tolls to be managed automatically without the vehicle having to stop at the collection point, thus contributing to safer, smoother and more comfortable traffic flow for users. This project was awarded by the public company Interbiak, will be carried out as part of a joint venture with Construcciones Amenábar. It involves an investment of EUR 12.5 million and will be implemented over a period of about 20 months. “Our technology eliminates the traditional booths and barriers to maintain traffic flow and contributes to reducing emissions as the vehicle does not have to stop and start again in the collection area, similar to the technology applied in the M50   project in Ireland. In addition, the entire system is flexible and scalable in functionality and capacity, so that as new needs are identified, they can be implemented without excessive changes”, says Javier Aguirre, Kapsch TraffiCom Managing Director for Spain and Portugal. Compared to traditional toll systems, the Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) technology collects and processes toll data electronically and automatically and improves the flow of traffic on the roads. Furthermore, it is capable of incorporating all the sensors and equipment that make up the toll collection point in a single gantry – a characteristic of the technological solution of Kapsch TrafficCom. This means that the system can identify and record the front and rear number plates, continuously track all vehicles and electronic payment devices (TAGs) that circulate through the toll collection or control point and send them to Interbiak's Central System for processing. The collection point system is designed to manage payment with the TAG device, while those vehicles that do not have this electronic payment device will be able to associate their number plate with a means of payment authorised by Interbiak.

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25. March 2022
Arbitral tribunal affirms the claim for compensation of the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom and CTS EVENTIM against the Federal Republic of Germany

Vienna, March 25, 2022 – According to the decision of the competent arbitral tribunal, autoTicket   GmbH is entitled to damages and reimbursement of expenses against the Federal Republic of Germany. This is apparent from the interim arbitral award delivered to the contractor parties today. Following the termination of the operating agreement for the collection of the infrastructure charge ("passenger car toll") in Germany, autoTicket GmbH, the joint venture of Kapsch TrafficCom AG and CTS Eventim AG Co. KGaA, has asserted claims for compensation in the amount of approximately EUR 560 million against the Federal Republic of Germany. The arbitral tribunal confirmed that the claims asserted by autoTicket GmbH in the arbitration proceedings for compensation of the gross enterprise value and for reimbursement of the costs incurred in the execution of the operating agreement exist on the merits. Accordingly, the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, was not allowed to unilaterally withdraw from the contract without compensation. The arbitral award also rejected poor performance, as alleged by the Federal Republic of Germany, as a reason for termination. The first phase of the two-stage arbitral proceedings has thus been concluded. In the second phase of the arbitral proceedings that now follows, a decision is made on the amount of the claim.

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AIMES Mobility-Hub
23. March 2022
World´s smartest traffic management system launches in Melbourne

One of Melbourne’s busiest roads will host a world-leading traffic management system using the latest technology to reduce traffic jams and improve road safety. The ‘Intelligent Corridor’ at Nicholson Street, Carlton will be launched by the University of Melbourne, Austrian technology firm Kapsch TrafficCom and the Victorian Department of Transport. Covering a 2.5 kilometer stretch of Nicholson Street between Alexandra and Victoria Parades, the Intelligent Corridor will use sensors, cloud-based AI, machine learning algorithms, predictive models and real time-data capture to improve traffic management – easing congestion, improving road safety for cars, pedestrians and cyclists, and reducing emissions from clogged traffic. Leveraging different types of traffic sensors already installed by AIMES, the team will fine-tune the Intelligent Corridor over the next three years. The sensors will connect and monitor all parts of the transport environment. Safety metrics will be incorporated in real-time control of traffic signals, derived from traffic safety software developed by Advanced Mobility Analytics Group. AIMES (Australian Integrated Multimodal EcoSystem) is the world’s first and largest ecosystem for testing emerging connected transport technologies at large scale in complex urban environments. It incorporates over 100 kilometers of road network in Melbourne, bounded by Lygon and Hoddle Streets, and Victoria and Alexandra Parades and receives support from the Victorian Department of Transport. The Intelligent Corridor marks a significant new phase, providing a new level of monitoring, with sensors on every intersection and a host of initiatives that will create a world-leading traffic management system. AIMES Director and Professor of Transport Engineering at the University of Melbourne, Professor Majid Sarvi said the Intelligent Corridor will provide a model for cities around the world to reduce the costs of urban congestion. Urban congestion costs the Australian economy $16.5 billion in travel delays every year, according to Infrastructure Australia’s Infrastructure Audit Report 2019. “In Melbourne alone, 492 people lost their lives in crashes at urban intersections – with more than half of these being pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists – between 2006 and 2019. Our Intelligent Corridor will use the latest technology to better manage traffic and make our roads safer for everyone,” Professor Sarvi said. The project will collect before-and-after data to demonstrate the Corridor’s effectiveness. Its performance will be fine-tuned to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis over the next three years, thus providing important evidence for implementation in other cities. The Intelligent Corridor will use global technology firm Kapsch TrafficCom's corridor management platform EcoTrafiX™. TrafficCom Executive Vice-President for Asia Pacific, Matthew McLeish said: “From connected vehicles to autonomous driving to integrated mobility management, this technology is laying the groundwork for a sustainable and congestion-free future, utilizing the very best in multi-modal demand management technologies such as the Kapsch EcoTrafiX™ platform.” Director of Signal Services with the Victorian Department of Transport Niloo Karimi, said the Intelligent Corridor was an important and exciting step for Melbourne. “The City has faced an increasing volume of road users over the past few decades, leading to delays and an increasing number of accidents. Now, academic researchers, industry and government will draw on connected transport technology to explore better outcomes and solve issues of safety and congestion to create a safer, cleaner and smarter transport future for Melbourne,” Ms Karimi said. The Intelligent Corridor is supported by a $2 million Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant, with contributions from the University of Melbourne and industry partners Kapsch TrafficCom and Advanced Mobility Analytics Group. ARC Acting Chief Executive Officer Judi Zielke said: “The University of Melbourne, Kapsch TrafficCom and the Department of Transport Victoria, through their cooperation and linkages across disciplines, have taken an idea to reduce traffic congestion to a real-life, real-time application.” You can find more information on the Intelligent Corridor and the AIMES project here:

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