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18. July 2024
Kapsch TrafficCom deploys Intelligent Transportation System in Ribeirão Preto
Ribeirão Preto is advancing its transformation into a Smart City through the implementation of a Intelligent Transportation System by Kapsch TrafficCom.
First sustainable toll gantry installed on Austrian highway
Kapsch TrafficCom is proud to announce that together with roadway operator Asfinag, the first operational Green Gantry was installed in Carinthia, Austria.
Port of Bilbao Launches Connected Vehicles Project
Bilbao is investing in road safety and efficient traffic management with its Connected Vehicles-project together with C-ITS provider Kapsch TrafficCom.
Last week the association Responsible Annotation presented its web tool that allows users to get to know and train AI in an accessible and interactive manner.
Kapsch TrafficCom celebrates 30 years of partnership with E-ZPass
Kapsch TrafficCom announces that 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the proven partnership with E-ZPass Group to provide transponders for barrier-free tolling
Kapsch TrafficCom wins major Swiss infrastructure project
Kapsch TrafficCom has been contracted by BAZG to supply the heavy goods vehicle road fee collection system and to manage the operation until the end of 2032.