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News and exciting insights: You will find background information on Kapsch TrafficCom in the blog area.

14. January 2021
Racing toward Sustainable and Smart Mobility

Over 100 years ago our great-grandparents faced an untenable situation. In the late 19 th century horses were the transport mode of choice and horse manure was the principal problem of the day . …

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2. January 2021
Congestion Pricing

Congestion charging is an increasingly popular topic of consideration in cities wrestling with seemingly intractable congestion problems. Congestion pricing means charging fees for road use …

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Singapore / Singapur
21. December 2020
How joined-up traffic management can help cities turn the tide on vehicle emissions

“The Paris Accord and the European Green Deal set ambitious targets for reducing emissions from road traffic – but most countries are way off track in terms of meeting them. This was the theme of …

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KTC2405 (1)
5. December 2020
The Middle East will be one of the first region to deploy the wider Smart Cities vision

The Middle East is known for mega infrastructure investments and the expectation is that this trend will continue towards mega smart mobility solutions. The Middle East is also expected to be one …

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Madrid Cityscape, ES
18. October 2020
Traffic congestion in cities - we must learn to live with it? ls this the only way?

Today, during the second lockdowns in many cities, the rush-hour traffic congestions and CO2 emissions took again a short break. It won't be long before they became a part of our daily life again.…

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1. September 2020
How to tame city traffic after Corona

After we witnessed what life without the daily rush-hour congestion could be like, city leaders now have a window of opportunity to set up the mobility of the future in line with smarter principle…

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12. August 2020
Post-Pandemic Cities – Road To Recovery!

Due to COVID-19 lockdowns, buzzing city centres turned into ghost towns. With people staying away from urban centres, we saw several side-effects of the pandemic: less traffic and noise as well as…

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10. August 2020
City congestion: “A thing of the past after Corona” – experts say

During Coronavirus lockdown, people around the globe experienced life without congestion. Yet, as restrictions were eased, drivers in the Americas, Europe, and Australia saw heavy traffic in city …

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