Ibiza, paradigm of smart tourism by Kapsch and Vodafone

Ibiza, Smart and Sustainable Tourism' is the name of the innovative project with which the Consell d'Eivissa wants to modernise the island's tourist and environmental management. The protection of the environment and the improvement of mobility through ICT are the pillars of this initiative that aims to make the island a world leader in smart tourism.
At a time when administrations are called to promote policies that combine sustainability and digitization, to innovate in the design of strategies that allow further progress in social and economic development while minimizing the impact on the natural environment, this project places Ibiza at the forefront of sustainable growth strategies and will allow Kapsch to deploy its full capacity of services and technology solutions in synergy with Vodafone.
Knowing in real time the quality of the water for bathing, the capacity of the beaches, the availability of parking, the time at which the buses passing through the island and be alerted about the risk of fire will be possible thanks to the boost in digitization systems provided by both companies. A leap in information quality, which will improve the experience of both tourists and residents. To achieve this, a comprehensive management platform will be created: an ecosystem of applications and a telecommunications infrastructure, which will require the deployment of a network of sensors and state-of-the-art cameras, whose data will be monitored, analysed and disseminated.
Within the actions aimed at protecting the environment, the fire prevention system will allow, thanks to the installation of optronic cameras, to control the area to be monitored for early detection, thus facilitating its extinction and preventing large fires on the island. On the other hand, the system of marine sensors arranged in buoys will allow measuring the quality, as well as other parameters, of the bathing water. The aim is to detect and reduce the problems caused by the massive anchoring of boats, which will also protect the marine fauna and flora and, therefore, the natural heritage of Ibiza.
In terms of solutions to improve mobility on the island, the creation of intelligent parking systems with sensors and image analysis, as well as the installation of information panels that show the occupation of the car parks, will help to decongest the accesses to the most popular beach areas. Also to achieve an agile, safe and sustainable mobility, in this case betting on public transport, technological solutions will be implemented to plan and optimize the use of resources, as well as the installation of information posts, thus improving the quality of service to users.
The project 'Ibiza, Smart and Sustainable Tourism' is framed within the program 'Smart Tourist Destinations' promoted by Red.es -an entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation- and pursues the modernization of the tourism sector through digital transformation in those places with a significant offer. Kapsch brings all its experience in smart mobility management, as well as the experience acquired in other actions previously carried out for Red.es, such as Huelva Smartcity Route, Smartiago for Santiago de Compostela or Ceuta SafeCity.
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