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- My path to Kapsch: my application …
My path to Kapsch: my application process!

Martijn van Adrichem, Trainee 2020, Kapsch TrafficCom AG
After my Master's degree, I was ready for the next challenge. Where do I start my career? With my business background and a passion for technology, Kapsch seemed like an ideal company for me. When I found out about the trainee program, I knew it was time to apply. So I started my application process.
After submitting my application, I received a call inviting me to a first interview. A bit excited, I entered the Kapsch offices for the first time, where I was greeted by two Kapsch employees. Over the next hour, we had an interesting conversation about topics such as my background and motivation, but also about the corporate culture and the trainee program itself. After this conversation and after learning a bit more about the program, I was even more excited to join Kapsch. So I was happy to hear that I was invited to the next step in the recruitment process, the assessment center.
Having had some previous experience with assessment centers, I knew they could be both fun and intense. This one proved to be both. Over the course of an afternoon, we, the applicant group, were assigned a series of individual and group tasks. For example, one of these tasks, which we were informed about beforehand, was to give a short presentation on a creative use case of Artificial Intelligence. At the end of the day, I was quite satisfied to have worked with an interesting group of "competitors", to get to know the existing trainee community at Kapsch and to show my qualifications in the work environment.
As I was working on my master's thesis one afternoon, I was interrupted with good news. I was called to inform me that I had been offered one of the positions. I didn't have to think about it for long. Following that call, I was invited back to Kapsch to sign my contract and discuss my preferences for possible initial trainee positions. An interesting opportunity arose in the Connected Vehicles team at Kapsch TrafficCom and after the first meeting with my future manager, I was ready to start at Kapsch!
Looking back on my application process, I would say that it was quite an enjoyable experience for me. During the process, I had a lot of room to ask questions, get to know the company and the program better, get feedback and express my preferences. Although the application process can always be a bit nerve-wracking, it felt good to know that the multi-step process also allowed me to find out if Kapsch was the right next step for me.